Exploring The World Of DentistryExploring The World Of Dentistry

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Exploring The World Of Dentistry

Going to the dentist was always a bit of a thrill for me. I'm not quite sure if it was my mother's promise to pay me $5 for each cavity free visit or the awesome toys my dentist kept in the waiting room that led to my initial love of dentistry, but one thing is for sure. My early love of dentistry has helped me to maintain a healthy and beautiful smile throughout my entire life. I am convinced that the more we know about dentistry and how it can impact our lives, the more likely we will be to develop good oral hygiene habits. That is why I have decided to start this blog so that everyone can have access to the latest information in the world of dentistry.


The Top 3 Reasons Dental Implants Are Superior To Dentures

The two main options when it comes to tooth replacement are dental implants and dentures. While dentures have been around for much longer than implants, dental implants have proven to be the superior option in many ways. Continue reading to learn more about three of the ways in which dental implants have proven themselves superior.

#1: Replacing Teeth With Dental Implants Does Not Result In Bone Loss

When you extract natural teeth and replace them with dentures, bone loss will commonly occur. This is because when a tooth is extracted, the missing tooth root results in an empty socket within the jawbone. With nothing to fill this socket, the jawbone will naturally begin to close in order to fill the empty space. This type of bone loss can result in a weaker bite strength and can change the contours of the face. Dental implants prevent this bone loss by taking the place of your tooth root within the jawbone. 

#2: Dental Implants Provide A Bite Strength That Is Similar To Natural Teeth

Many denture wearers complain that they are no longer able to chew certain foods. This is the result of a diminished bite strength which is quite common when transitioning to denture use. The reason for this is that dentures sit on the gums and therefore rely on the top of the jawbone for strength. Dental implants on the other hand are firmly implanted within the jawbone. As a result, this type of tooth replacement results in a bite strength that is more similar to that of healthy natural teeth. In fact, patients who have suffered from badly damaged or decayed teeth may even find that their bite strength is improved when replacing their existing teeth with dental implants and crowns. 

#3: Dental Implants Do Not Require The Roof Of The Mouth To Be Covered

Traditional upper dentures are designed to cover the roof of the mouth. This design is necessary for the dentures to remain in place. Unfortunately, there are a host of issues that also come along with this design. For instance, many people find that food tastes different when wearing dentures because the taste buds located on the roof of the mouth are no longer accessible. Some people may also find that having the roof of their mouth covered results in gagging or difficulty making certain word sounds. Since dental implants get their strength and stability from the jawbone, there is no need to cover the roof of the mouth in order to keep these tooth replacements in place. 

For more information on dental implants, contact a local dentist.