Exploring The World Of DentistryExploring The World Of Dentistry

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Exploring The World Of Dentistry

Going to the dentist was always a bit of a thrill for me. I'm not quite sure if it was my mother's promise to pay me $5 for each cavity free visit or the awesome toys my dentist kept in the waiting room that led to my initial love of dentistry, but one thing is for sure. My early love of dentistry has helped me to maintain a healthy and beautiful smile throughout my entire life. I am convinced that the more we know about dentistry and how it can impact our lives, the more likely we will be to develop good oral hygiene habits. That is why I have decided to start this blog so that everyone can have access to the latest information in the world of dentistry.


What to Expect During Your First Dental Visit

If you have never visited a dentist for a routine dental examination, you may wonder what to expect during your first appointment. Here are a few things that will likely happen during your first dental office visit.

You will be asked questions about your medical and dental history.

During your first visit, your dentist will likely have you complete a brief questionnaire about your medical and dental history. This information will aid him or her in determining the best course of treatment for your specific needs. Prior knowledge of allergies and systemic conditions can help the dentist avoid complications throughout your treatment.

Your mouth will be X-rayed.

Your dentist knows that some conditions are not readily seen with the naked eye. X-rays allow your dentist to see the state of your dental roots and jawbone.

To protect your chest and other areas of your body from the X-rays, your dentist may cover your torso with a lead apron as the X-rays are taken. The process generally takes a few seconds.

Your dentist will visually inspect your oral cavity.

With the aid of a tongue depressor or a dental probe, your dentist will thoroughly inspect your teeth, gums, tongue and other areas of your mouth. Some cavities are readily visible. In addition, signs of gum disease, such as redness, puffiness and gum recession are also easily seen. 

Your dentist will also look for signs of oral cancer, such as discoloration, growths and unusual textures of soft tissue surfaces.

Your dentist will clean your teeth.

Even though you may be doing a great job of brushing and flossing, those actions do not effectively remove tartar. Plaque, when left in place for lengthy periods, hardens to form tartar. 

Tartar, which is the hard, porous material that accumulates between your teeth and along your gumline, must be scraped from the teeth. Your dentist has special tools to safely remove tartar accumulations.

The length of a professional dental cleaning often depends on how much tartar has developed in your mouth. A large amount of tartar will usually require more time for removal. 

After the tartar has been removed, your dentist will typically floss and polish your teeth. 

Your dentist may fill small cavities.

Some small cavities can be quickly filled with a bit of dental composite material. Although tiny cavities may be treated during your initial appointment, a separate visit may be scheduled to treat larger cavities that require more extensive treatment.

To schedule your first dental appointment, contact clinics like Sedation Dentistry Center.