Exploring The World Of DentistryExploring The World Of Dentistry

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Exploring The World Of Dentistry

Going to the dentist was always a bit of a thrill for me. I'm not quite sure if it was my mother's promise to pay me $5 for each cavity free visit or the awesome toys my dentist kept in the waiting room that led to my initial love of dentistry, but one thing is for sure. My early love of dentistry has helped me to maintain a healthy and beautiful smile throughout my entire life. I am convinced that the more we know about dentistry and how it can impact our lives, the more likely we will be to develop good oral hygiene habits. That is why I have decided to start this blog so that everyone can have access to the latest information in the world of dentistry.


Dental Extractions: What To Expect And What To Do After The Procedure

Do you need to have a tooth extracted? Your dentist may have told you this process is necessary for one of many reasons, such as extreme decay or even a bad case of gum disease. Regardless of the exact reason why you need to have an extraction performed, you may not know what to expect. You may even feel a bit nervous about getting the dental work done if you think it is going to hurt. However, an extraction is a simple process, and it helps to know how to care for yourself and the discomfort after the procedure is complete.

The Extraction Process: What to Expect in the Office

A tooth extraction usually does not take too long. In fact, the dentist may spend more time making sure you are numb than actually pulling the tooth out of your mouth. Once you are comfortably seated in the dental chair, the dentist may apply a topical anesthetic on the gums. The purpose of this anesthetic is to numb that section of your mouth before applying a local anesthetic with the use of a needle. Even if you are scared of needles, you should not feel any pain or discomfort during this essential step because your gums will already be numb.

After making sure you cannot feel anything, the dentist will go through with the extraction process. The tooth may be removed with the use of several different dental tools, such as extracting forceps and elevators. The dentist may clamp down on the tooth with the forceps and gently pull it out. You can expect some bleeding to occur, but the dentist will allow you to rinse your mouth out with water right after the procedure.

The Aftermath of the Extraction

Once the local anesthetic wears off, you may begin to feel a bit of discomfort. There are a few things you can do at home to minimize this discomfort. The dentist may have prescribed some antibiotics for you to take to prevent an infection. Not only should you take these antibiotics as directed, but you should also consider eating soft foods for a day or two. Eating something that is too rough or crispy could cause irritation to the gums where the tooth was just extracted.

It is a good idea to consume soup and applesauce. You could also make powerful anti-inflammatory smoothies using fresh fruits and vegetables. The smoothies would be soft enough for you to consume, but they would also contain ingredients that cold promote healing and prevent additional irritation from occurring.

A dental extraction may sound scary and painful, but the procedure is fairly quick and the dentist will take time to make sure you feel comfortable. Eating soft foods and drinking smoothies while taking the antibiotics could help you to avoid an infection and prevent discomfort.

For more information, contact Renovo Endodontic Studio or a similar location.